Last night, I was in desperate need of post-cubicle brain candy. So I watched The Bachelorette -- the show about finding love after spending a ridiculously short amount of time sucking face (and who knows what else) with 25 people -- and laughed at a lot of the typical asinine comments and antics. As one candidate was sent home, he made the most senseless comment of the night:
"She didn't reject me. She just chose other guys."Um, hello? That's rejection. That's like going on a series of seemingly successful interviews and coming up empty, only to say,
"That company didn't reject me. They just chose another person for the job." Yeaaaaah. Explain that to the rejection letters in your mailbox.

I've received many rejection letters over the years. My favorite is probably the form letter that contains my correct name and mailing address with a "Dear Tina" in the Salutation line. I like to pretend that Tina Turner and I applied for the same job and we both lost out. In Cube City, love's got nothing to do with it.
What's your rejection letter story?
I just recently interviewed for a great Public Relations position - all about Public Relations here, right? I went through three phone interviews and three in-person interviews over the course of three months. I was told I would "hear back" very soon.
Of course, I heard nothing. I've put in two phone calls and two emails requesting the status of their Public Relations decision.
Rejection? Nah, I figure I AM their new Public Relations Manager. I've got several words to say about them!
You should start a blog about them. I hear this can be an effective public relations tactic.
You should send them your resume again, change your name to Tina Turner on the resume, and list Ike Turner as a reference (yes, i know Ike Turner is dead). I have a co-worker who signs her name as either Janis Joplin or Nancy Reagan to things all of the time. I know...there are strange people in my cube city.
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