Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's About a Paycheck

Last Friday, after a complete B-E-A-T D-O-W-N in Cube City, I ran home to the comfort of an ice-cold glass of imported beer. My brain was hurting, and I had to medicate it as quickly and deliciously as possible. I'm happy to say that the beer remedy worked.

I've been known to become highly reflective after a drink or two. Last Friday was no different. I turned to my significant stapler and said, "You know, none of this Cube City stuff really matters. I don't care if I ever get promoted to a title that finally reflects what I've been doing for the past two years. I don't care if my boss ever really knows what I do, how hard I work, or how much I accomplish. In the end, we work only because we have to. We need money to live. That's all that really matters -- a paycheck."

I really dislike how I sometimes take Cube City and my career way too seriously. I wish I could be drunk all the time because I really see things a lot more clearly after a few drinks. May we all realize that it's about a paycheck and nothing more. Well, okay, it's about beer too. Cheers.


Michelle Medley said...

There's something even more valuable than a paycheck - and it happens to go very nicely with beer - friendship. The money's good to have, sure, but I couldn't put a price on the worth of a single new friend I make in Cube City. They buy you beer - they even make it cold for you. They lift a mug with you and they support you in bitter moments.

Gimme a paycheck, but barring that, gimme a friend to sit on the couch with and share a frosty.

Anonymous said...

So, let's have another tonight!!!!

Scissor Girl said...

You are so right, Mamma. The friendships are priceless. Thanks for making me take a step back to remember what's truly worthwhile about Cube City.