Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's the Not-So-Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

OMG. We're supposed to have a pumpkin-themed potluck in Cube City tomorrow.

Ain't no way.

I can't imagine eating a bunch of pumpkin foods, like pumpkin casserole with a pumpkin pie chaser.

One cube dweller said this is a good opportunity to get botulism. No, thanks!

I have to stop and think, WWCBD (What Would Charlie Brown Do)? After all, in "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown," all Charlie Brown wants is to be invited to a Halloween party. Instead, he goes trick-or-treating and sadly comes home with a bag full of rocks.

But would Charlie Brown want to be invited to this party?

I won't be contributing to, or participating in, the not-so-great pumpkin potluck. A bag of rocks sounds more appealing than a bag of botulism.


Michelle Medley said...

I can give you a pumpkin soup recipe from the great Ruth Reichl, Gourmet magazine editor, if you want it.

Perhaps I can come with a pumpkin on my head and scare everybody who sees me carved up.

That sounds wicked.

Trixter said...

Yeah, I'm not exactly down with the pumpkin-flavored food either. I'm gonna bring something non-pumpkin related so at least I'll have something to eat. Heck, I don't even like pumpkin pie.

I probably wouldn't participate either, but I actually LOVE halloween and will be in costume, so I will NOT be leaving the building. :)