Friday, November 13, 2009

Nonfat Venti Friday

It's Friday, which means I'll see a lot more (or at least bigger) Starbucks cups in Cube City. It never fails. The coffee cups get bigger and more frequent in cube dwellers' hands as the week progresses.

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love the Starbucks experience. Brew me a tall, nonfat, extra-hot, light-whip hot chocolate, and I feel like I've got a cup of "I Can Do Anything Today." Starbucks is extra hot with me right now because I love-love-love the red holiday cup. Okay, it's way too early to be celebrating the holidays, but at least there's something to celebrate in Cube City during these bleak economic times. When the economy is weak, the coffee should be strong. Period.

What's in your red cup?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, now that you said "hot chocolate" I'm not going to be able to get it out of my head until I have some.