Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stapler Boy

Why do grown boys fiddle with things? I was sitting in a conference room with a grown boy yesterday, and he was fiddling with a stapler that someone had left on the table. He pressed the stapler down, extracted a few staples, and started unbending their edges. When he got bored with that, he tore the plastic cover off his iPhone and started pressing on the edges of the cover. I think he was trying to break his own property. I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish, actually, but I find that boys -- in Cube City and elsewhere -- like to fiddle with things. I just don't understand why. I'm glad I am Scissor Girl, not Stapler Boy.


Michelle Medley said...

My take is that he's ADD. This is classic fidgeting behavior.

But what do I know? I'm ADD.

Staples said...

Maybe he knew you were watching and gave you a show of silly behavior