I hate to bring it to your attention, but it's that time...that time when the dread sets in. It's looming. It's a dark Cumulonimbus cloud cruising in fast from the west to fuck up your happy weekend bliss. It's Sunday.

Some friends and I have decided that since there is no cure for The Day Before Monday, we'll resort to trickery to get by. We call it Denial Sunday. This usually involves alcohol, of course, and delusional stories about who we are and what we're doing. (The stories are usually the same -- we're disgustingly wealthy, we don't work, we'll be seeking the best fine art we can find on our trip to the Republic of Turkey tomorrow, etc.) Try it sometime. It beats reality.
This message has been brought to you by the Depressed Cube Dwellers of America.
What about Sangria Saturdays and Margarita Mondays? Pre and Post Therapy for the Denial Sunday Sessions!
Finally! Something to look forward to on a Monday!
Scissor girl, you cut me up. Really. I'm your next biggest fan -- love your blogs.
Love the Anonymous pun. Thanks for reading!
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