Working with other people can be a challenge? Especially when they have mannerisms that drive you crazy? Like people who speak with an "upward tone" so that their statements sound like questions? I listen to these people and want to yell "INSERT PERIOD HERE" when they're about to finish a statement with their upward tone?

But here's a real question: What mannerisms do your co-workers have that drive YOU crazy?
It's the coughing that gets me. Not just a little ordinary cough, but the big, nasty, should-have-stayed-home cough. The co-workers-nauseated-by-the-sound cough. I have all the sympathy in the world, I mean, I get sick too and I hate to use up perfectly good OOO days to stay home and feel shitty. But seriously, even if they're pretty sure their plague isn't contagious, it makes it hard to work when I feel like I'm in a tuberculosis ward. Yuck.
It's a dirty world, Viveth. You're wise to be cautious.
I actually miss the co-worker who was physically unable to sneeze less than 12 times in a row. Once it started, there was no stopping this sneezer. Her sounds were comforting in a weird, predictable way.
The fingernail clipper....that's the one I hate. And each time one fingernail clipper leaves the company, there's always another one to replace them. How does that happen?
Oh, the fingernail stories. Good times. So I'm going to take it down a level. I once inherited a desk from someone who must have been an office fingernail clipper. There were little fingernail clippings in the desk drawer! Gross. Even if I cleaned out that drawer, it wouldn't have been the same. So I was resourceful and switched out the drawer from someone else's desk. I'm a giver!
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