Monday, April 27, 2009

The Hazing

I spent Friday at home, after realizing that an allergy attack was really a nasty cold. I worked for Cube City from home that day, in a severe haze of cold, sinus, and allergy meds, and I can't tell you what I did. I know I sent emails and updated content throughout the day, but I couldn't give you coherent details about projects.

It's like those times that I drive to work and don't remember the commute. Suddenly I'm just at my desk, and I wonder how I got there? Was traffic bad? Did I have to get off the freeway early to avoid stalled cars? I don't know, and that's just scary.

I think it's almost scarier when you're in a haze and you're sending business communications to other people. I don't know what I wrote. That's scary! I hope my words made sense to the recipients.

I'm happy to say that, despite a slight Nyquil hangover, I'm feeling much more human today. I know how I got to work, and I think I'll remember what I write and send to my teammates. If not, I'll just blame the Nyquil.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better. Of course, being back in cube city probably doesn't help. It makes me feel like I'm afflicted with an illness anytime I'm here. :)

Michelle Medley said...

I confess I was grinning from ear to ear this morning as I awoke to the sounds and lights of a thunderstorm and realized that I no longer had a mailbox in Cube City and would therefore need to work from home - and enjoy the rain!

I hope you do feel better - am sending you healing thoughts