Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rumor Has It

I was sitting in a meeting in Cube City yesterday when a guy announced that he heard a rumor about a big chunk of business that we had reportedly just lost. My boss was in the meeting and said she hadn't heard that rumor but would confirm it.

Last night, I told my significant stapler about the rumor. We had planned on doing a little shopping for a big-ticket item, but that sort of news always makes me take a big conservative step back. 

I hate that.

I hate feeling like I can't live my life because something big could happen to make me regret it. While processing this information and resentment, I decided that I can't cave in to the rumors or keep feeling shackled by the unknown. I told my significant stapler that all Cube Cities go through crazy changes at all times. It's just that you don't hear about the crazy changes in the more established, professional companies because a secret is considered a secret there. If you're told to tell no one in other Cube Cities, you obey. You tell no one, period. The cube dwellers live in ignorant bliss.

I don't know what's better -- having an idea of what's going on or having no clue. Rumor has it that I don't have a choice in what I do or don't know in my current Cube City.


Anonymous said...

they do have a gift for stomping on any sense of confidence that may spring up once in a while.

Michelle Medley said...

In Stan Richards' book "The Peaceable Kingdom," he talks about this very practice of "those in the know" versus "those who don't know" and how powerful the old childhood game of "I know something you don't know" is. He said at his agency, they tell all the news, good and bad, to prevent invisible walls from going up where they've worked hard to tear them down. They don't share salary info, but losing an account? Yeah, they'd tell people.