Tuesday, May 19, 2009


A friend of mine just moved into a new Cube City, and the cubicles are at chin-level.

When you're sitting down.

My friend says he feels like a Bubble Boy. He's just trapped inside a big bubble all day long and can observe everything around him, whether he wants to or not.

One of his new cube neighbors was decorating her cube and wrote "SFGTD" in big letters on her whiteboard. When my friend asked her what this mysterious acronym meant, she said, "Oh, it's just something I made up. When I'm having a hard day or can't find the answers I need, I just look up here at my board and tell myself that it's Something For God To Do."

Since my friend doesn't believe in God, so to speak, he feels contaminated by such information. I don't know what to tell him. His cube neighbor didn't offer the information; he asked for it. Even a bubble can't keep you safe from potential harm in Cube City.

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