Monday, June 15, 2009

Call Me

If there's one thing that boils my chili in Cube City, it's people who set up phone meetings with you and tell you to call them.

Last week, I declined such a meeting at the last minute because I was ridiculously tired and just didn't feel like picking up the phone to call the meeting organizer. Um, if you want to catch up with me, you need to catch me. Don't make me put forth the effort to call you when I didn't initiate the meeting in the first place. I don't know what you want, and I probably don't care since you've given me nothing to go on, so this whole dealio is pointless until you convince me otherwise.

It's amazing how lazy people are, and how they'll put forth minimal effort when they're supposedly leading the charge on something. If you want to get anything cooking in Cube City, turn the heat on yourself -- and don't make me boil.

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