Friday, June 26, 2009

Working a Six-Hour Half Day

I could just about barf from the stress, but I think I'm going to make my midday deadline. I have to. I'm taking a half day from Cube City. I'm leaving for Oklahoma City this afternoon, and I'm taking my new cube mate with me. It will be her third dog show weekend ever, and I'll be at the other end of the leash again. We're going to have an audience because:
  • Her breeder will be there but is too busy showing other dogs to handle her
  • The breeder of my last dog will be there and hates me, based on her recent snarky "I heard you got a new puppy" email
  • Our instructor will be there because she's showing her Irish Setters and wants to watch us when she's done


But really, what's a little more stress in a totally whacked work week?


Anonymous said...

Good luck! It sounds like a lot of pressure after a long work week, but try to have some fun!

Michelle Medley said...

This, too, shall pass. Just keep saying to yourself, "I have a Dreamer."

Have a fantastic time with your happy companion.