Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Bunch of Duty

Hey, cube dwellers, Scissor Girl is skipping Cube City today in lieu of jury duty.

I hate jury duty. Actually, I hate that I'm summoned so frequently while others are so infrequently (or never!) summoned.

What gives? I've been summoned so much that I've done research on how to get summoned less. I've followed the proper channels to get off the jury pool radar, but nothing has worked.

I swear, if I have to sit through one more "how to be a JURE-or" instructional video, I'm going to cut myself with my scissors.

It would be different if I was retired and had the time to do grand jury service, which I think would be fascinating. I mean, that's when you hear snippets of all sorts of cases and decide to indict or throw them out. But I'm not retired, and the cases you hear for regular jury duty are mostly DWIs.

I've never been selected for jury duty, but I've always been stuck there the whole day. It's very taxing, and to me, it's just a bunch of duty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get called all the time too! I have to report for my duty on the 18th, but it's municipal this time. I sorta think that's cheating, since I had to languish in moldy chairs for a whole day at federal court a few months ago.

I think it would be interesting too, sometimes. However, the day I escaped from federal duty, the screening questions all had something to do with perverse behavior in front of children, which just turned my stomach.

It makes Cube City seem less depressing by comparison.