Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Yesterday in Cube City, I was listening to a few nearby cube dwellers chatting excitedly about the weather and an approaching cold front. I decided to visit a local news site to read more on the subject. Once I got there, I was instantly distracted by a hilarious banner ad for Sprint. The first line of copy read, "Toodle-loo, T-Mobile." I found myself wanting to click on that banner ad, even though I'm perfectly happy with my mobile phone service...or perhaps too lazy to make a switch.

I found myself wishing I could write fun copy like that, but no. Instead, I write about side effects of a drug, focus on one product instead of slamming another, and make sure that I don't promise results, satisfaction, or success of any kind. What am I gonna do, write, "Toodle-loo to your fetus if you're pregnant or decide to become pregnant while taking this drug?" No freakin' way!

So I guess I'll live vicariously through the writers who can get away with using silly phrases and just say toodle-loo to that perk in my own line of work.

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