Thursday, September 17, 2009

No ShihT

I love dogs. I still love the Shih Tzu in Cube City. But lately, her barking has become a bit excessive and annoying. I don't know how her owner lives with that behavior. I used to find it cute, and that's what is wrong with cuteness of any kind. It wears off. The good news is that I no longer want to put the little ShihT in my pocket and take her home.

I'll give the owner credit. I don't think she believes that the barking is cute. She wants to know what to do to solve the problem. But little ShihTs like her puppy are tough to train. They have strong personalities and tiny bladders -- a deadly combination when you're trying to discipline them.

I won't say anything to anyone about the barking because, really, I can live with it and am just being cranky today. I just don't want to see our dogs-at-work privilege taken away. It's hard to know when to say something to preserve a privilege vs. keep quiet so as not to make any Shiht hit the fan. If I could just get ShihT-faced right now, everything would be better.

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