Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Getting Pissed

Yesterday was crazy in Cube City. CRAZY! It started with me digging out from 40 emails I received overnight -- and by "emails," I mean a pissing match between two team members. Why two team members were pissing on each other and copying me on emails they were sending at 2:30 AM is beyond crazy.

But it's always interesting to hear what each person has to say.

Pissy Person #1: Gosh, Scissor Girl, I'm pissing on our team member because she's providing feedback on things that were due two weeks ago. If you can't keep up, that's not my problem. I've had it. I just had to tell her that this is done and over with, you know? She sends way too many emails after the fact.

Pissy Person #2: Gosh, Scissor Girl, I'm pissing on our team member because I've been stretched too thin. I've been traveling or I've been in planning meetings, and I've just now had time to dig out of my inbox. I always start with my project managers first because they send me the most emails. I had 11 emails from one of them and then 107 -- 107, Scissor Girl! -- from Pissy Person #1. Pissy Person #1 sends way too many emails.

What happens in pissing matches like this is that nobody can solve anything. By the time each pissy person has relieved themselves, everything is all watered down. It sort of pisses me off because I'm drowning in email threads, trying to separate the pissing from the real work I need to do. If I had the time, interest, and credentials to do a thorough urinalysis, you'd be calling me Dr. Scissor Girl, and I'd be working for a whole lot more than scissors.


Anonymous said...

Wow, talk about passive-aggressive email habits. Some people never grow up.

Trixter said...

I was actually talking to someone about this yesterday -- she was annoyed because it took a 10-email exchange betweeh two people to settle an issue that could have been resolved in a 1-minute phone call. Of course the email exchange was going on at 4 in the morning. :)

Michelle Medley said...

My brother has his own solution. He waits till the match has exhausted itself, then only reads the very last email. In other words, he won't read anything until he thinks the bladders have been emptied.