Friday, August 20, 2010

Attrition Saves!

Did you know that attrition in Cube City is like Jesus in church?

I recently attended a staff meeting during which the number cruncher basically announced that we met our profit margin due to employee attrition.

WWJD with this news? I feel like I should go pray for more people to leave so that we can be profitable next period.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's My Birthday!

We interrupt this hiatus to bring you an important message from Scissor Girl.

Hello, my precious cube dwellers! It's my birthday! Well, okay, it's not my actual date of birth. It's not even my Cube City birthday. But it's sort of like a combination of my birthday and a Cube City celebration.

Why, you ask? Because one of the few people I don't like or respect is leaving Cube City. On her own. I was sort of totally hoping she'd be fired, as she sort of totally deserved it, but she beat her boss to the punch. I'm sort of totally disappointed about that part of the story, but I'm so excited about the end result that I'll try to overlook it.

I tried very hard to work with her so that she would understand the full story, and I think I made a little bit of progress with her. But ultimately, a backstabber like her is a backstabber for life, even among long-term colleagues. She was someone I could sort of totally never trust. What's worse is that I had to psych myself up before every meeting I had with her -- and even before every email I read from her. That's just insane!

My real birthday is coming up, so now I'm going to celebrate that I don't have to waste my one wish on her. It has already come true. Happy Birthday to me! What's your work-related birthday wish?