Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Double Monday

I'm back, mostly because I'm in a horrible mood and figured I could spew it all out here and feel better. Here goes.

I took Monday off from Cube City. I came to work on Tuesday, dreading it all the way. To make matters worse, I ran into a guy in the kitchen who said, "Hey, how was your day off? Feel rested? Hope so, 'cuz it's like a double Monday for you!"

While it's true that taking time off from Cube City means you're going to be severely punished for it, I didn't need a reminder.  I did have a double Monday, but I survived it.

And now it's Wednesday. Suddenly, I feel better -- partly for blogging, but mostly for the fact that the week is half over and my double Monday feels more like a Tuesday so that today can feel like a Wednesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming back. There's a little bit of joy restored to my work day.