Monday, November 16, 2009

That Guy

I just finished a project with a guy who's new to my department in Cube City. He's not new to the company, but you sure wouldn't know it from working with him. It's bizarre how we can work for different departments in the same company and operate in a completely different manner. How does that happen?

This guy seems to think it's okay to give me no time to do my part of the project. Is he new? Lord. I had to nip his belief system in the bud. I pushed back and let him know that he wasn't going to hog all the project hours to make his stuff look good, only to give me a few minutes (I wish I was exaggerating) to make it sound good.

He knew that he was in the wrong. He probably knew before I nipped him, but he's used to operating in complete and utter chaos. He finds it acceptable, based on how he treats the people around him. (And yes, I saw him treat others this way before I started beating him over the head with a mallet.) When I was done with him, he said, "This project is just out of control. I'll try not to be that guy in the future who asks for things at the last minute."

I guess I wonder why he feels like he has no control? Why isn't he pushing back if the deadlines are unreasonable? He's in a relatively senior position and is acting like an amateur. If you don't want to be that guy, don't even start out that way. Don't consider it an option...unless you want that girl to bash your head in. Damn straight.

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