Friday, December 11, 2009


It was a dark and stormy Wednesday in Cube City. I had just left one meeting and joined another already in progress. I checked my Facebook, as a girl is wont to do after concentrating on work for too long. I noticed one Friend's status, which went something like this:

Chickens with heads cut off! Ugh!

I turned to a cube dweller sitting next to me, showed him my Friend's status on Facebook, and said, "Do you think she's talking about us? She posted this during our last meeting."

I wouldn't blame her for thinking we're all chickens with our heads cut off. It's how we operate in Cube City. There's no time to think through anything or propose solid solutions. The thing is, people who get frustrated never seem to let it out. They just implode and then post passive-aggressive statements for everyone to see on Facebook. To me, that's just as chicken as running around with your head cut off.

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