Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I used to work for a passive-aggressive boss in Cube City who had an interesting way of dealing with things. Her office was next door to that of a really noisy guy whose purpose in the company was a mystery to most everyone. One annoying thing he did was to slam the overhead doors of his metal storage bins shut. The sound was startling and made you jump in your seat.

When I attended meetings in my passive-aggressive boss's office and we heard the startling sound next door, she would open her own metal storage bin and slam it shut. She had really good reflexes and never missed a beat. It was obvious to just about everyone, except perhaps her clueless noisy neighbor, that she was seeking revenge and trying to get him to realize that he was being loud and rude. My boss was relentless in her revenge, but her neighbor just never seemed to get the message.

I have to wonder what makes somebody seek revenge in a passive-aggressive manner. Wouldn't it be easier and more effective to just tell somebody that they make a scary sound with their storage bins and that they need to stop?

I guess it's one thing to slam a storage bin and quite another to slam a person.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cube City is prime breeding grounds for passive-aggressive behavior. It's a blend of entertainment and self-preservation that perfectly matches the pointlessness of our actual tasks.