Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby Shower Dilemma

There's somebody in Cube City whose wife has a bun in the oven. The bun is toasting nicely and should be ready to pop out in less than a month. With this knowledge comes a lot of pressure about what to do with this information.

I'm not big on special events planning in Cube City and am not sure if I should suggest having a baby shower. It seems like the nice thing to do, but here's the quandary: Do I have enough energy right now to do something nice, and if so, will this gesture be appreciated or loathed by the male recipient? It could go either way.

If I decide to go ahead and do this, as the alternative would be to rudely ignore an important and special event in somebody's life, what comes next? Do I invite the mother-to-be, even though she's lucky enough not to work here? Should it be a surprise, or should I ask the father-to-be if I should even go to the trouble? Should I just ask a bunch of people in Cube City to hand over some cash and sign a card since I don't know where these people are registered, if anywhere? Should I buy a cake?

Oh, baby, it all just seems a little too overwhelming to me.

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