Friday, November 7, 2008

The Nightmare of Facebook

So much for basking in the time-sucking fetish of Facebook. It is time to move on. People from high school are finding me somehow, some way, and it just isn't fun anymore. In fact, they're all hounding me to take time off from Cube City to attend our 20-year reunion next summer.

I never thought I'd say this, but...Cube City is better than something. That's right. Cube City is better than high school. I say this as someone who loved high school. I had great classmates, great friends, great curricular and extra-curricular activities, and more.

But that was then, and this is now. Then, we were all young and stupid. Now, we're all old and stupid, and I just can't entertain lengthy conversations with these people. I see how old they look in the photos that they post, and I think that I must certainly look just as old to them. Most of them have kids, despite the fact that many of them shouldn't. Nobody knows you better than your past. Who needs this depressing nightmare that reminds us of our mortality?

I finally added my high school to my Facebook profile because the stalkers were finding me anyway. My strategy now is to just get this whole reuniting thing over with as soon as possible. I was hoping that my former classmates would realize that is for classmates who want to be found. But no. They will stalk you until they find you somehow, some way. They have turned Facebook into Yearbook. Bleh.

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