I have no idea what this star did to get fired, but it had to be pretty serious. You just don't get fired in Cube City when you've built a reputation on hard work and have consistently helped contribute to the company's growth in multiple ways.
Well, okay, so people who help the company grow get fired all the time. But this one just really caught me by surprise.
What's most irritating about the whole thing is that this person and I butted heads in the beginning. It took us a long time to understand each other and build a working relationship. In time, we learned to like each other. In a bit more time, we learned to respect each other. And it sucks that this person got fired AFTER we started liking and respecting each other. I wouldn't be so disappointed about it all now if we were still butting heads. In fact, it would've been the best news I'd heard all week instead of the worst.
I know this star will rise again in a different Cube City. But now I wonder who will fill the position and if we'll like and respect each other. I'm getting fired up just thinking about it.
We are going to have to get to the bottom of this. Mysteries will not stand in Cube City.
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