Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's a Mad World

Have you seen Mad Men? It's a dead-on summary of my life in Cube City, except for the time period. I heard about the show early on but never got around to tuning in. Recently, I decided to buy the first two seasons on DVD and just power through them before the new season begins this Sunday.


I'm halfway through season two, and I have to say that I'm not sure if I should feel entertained or suicidal. Ad agency life is not for the weak at heart, but it certainly contributes to heart problems. The people who brought this show to life know what they're talking about...and I feel like they lived inside my mind at Cube City when they wrote the script. For instance, at Sterling Cooper Advertising, you can't:
  • Fire someone who deserves it, even when you're their boss
  • Get a promotion, or even a reasonable bump in pay, when you know you deserve it
  • Expect your leaders to listen to reason, especially when you're talking business and how best to handle clients and conflicts of interest

It's a mad world out there, and it's no wonder that we're all completely entertained and suicidal. You may now go back to your regularly scheduled programming.

1 comment:

Michelle Medley said...

I know, I know! My daughter bought the DVDs and made me watch a marathon with her; at times I found myself laughing in horror, because it was all too real. The episode I thinking of had the ad guy lying to the client about the team of writers who were ready to go on the client's account. Having experienced it personally, I knew who was really back at the shop: Nobody but little, one-person me. The result was the same in Mad Men and Real Life: the client skidooed.