Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Second Helpings

There are times when I'm in my own little world in Cube City. We all are. Recently, a project manager asked me why I sent her two copies of some website content: one copy that showed all the edits I made in yellow highlights and one that didn't.

I told her I didn't know how the client wanted to see the content and that I was used to providing both clean and marked-up versions for another client. She said, "You mean, you have a client who always wants to see both versions?"

I thought that was a good question. Why does someone want to see both? Wouldn't you want to either look at something marked up, to make sure I took your edits into consideration, or just start reviewing a clean document with no markups to influence you? Surely you don't finish one version and say, "Please, project manager, may I have some more?"

My response to the project manager was simple and logical: "Well, yes. I guess the writing is just THAT GOOD."

1 comment:

Trixter said...

Oh, this brings back memories. We used to have to provide a marked up copy for the brand manager and a clean copy for MLR. And guess what? Both groups would have changes to both docs. Talk about a version control nightmare!

But in your case, I'm more than willing to bet that the writing really is just that good. :)