Monday, May 12, 2008

Roseanne Keeps It Real

Much to my significant other's dismay, I could spend hours watching reruns of Roseanne. I think Roseanne speaks for much of the workforce and our distain for unqualified bosses and inexplicable processes.

I also think that Roseanne is a good reminder that "office" can have many meanings. Roseanne worked at a lot of jobs, from hair salons to restaurants to factories.

What did Roseanne work for? When she worked at Rodbell's, a restaurant in the mall, we got a solid answer: Condiments. Roseanne had tubs of mayo, ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, and -- total bonus -- pickles in her refrigerator at home. Way to keep it real, Roseanne.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I work for two things:

splenda packets & post-it notes!