Tuesday, September 9, 2008


At my first job in Cube City, we were showered with trinkets or gifts on a regular basis. We also showered our customers, potential new customers, and former customers with trinkets.

We were totally into trinkets. The more useless and irrelevant they were to our business, the more we liked them. Just slap the logo on them and hand them out. Who cares if they actually make anybody remember our business or want to buy anything from us?

One day, the Director of Marketing came to me and said, "We need to brainstorm some new tchotchkes for the trade show."

Some new what?

I had no idea what "tchotchkes" were. I felt like I needed to call Joanie and tell her to go hide Chachi at once because the Director of Marketing wanted to mass-produce him and take him to the trade show.
The Director of Marketing seemed to enjoy explaining that tchotchkes were basically trinkets or gifts. So I updated my vocabulary and replaced the word "trinket" with "tchotchke." I started using "tchotchke" in a sentence as often as I possibly could. I also spelled it as often as I could to impress my unimpressed fellow cube dwellers. It was my tacky little gift to myself.

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