Thursday, December 4, 2008

Evaluating the Evaluators

I recently attended a meeting in Cube City about performance reviews and how they will change. I sat through a presentation, acutely self aware of my horror and trying very hard not to wear it on my face, about all the great problems we'll solve and time we'll save with this new way of evaluating a person's performance.

I respect that people had to sit down and try to figure out what was wrong with the current evaluation system. I respect that people had to sit through lots of painful meetings to decide how to tackle this problem and improve it. I know it can't be easy.

What I don't respect is having to sit through an hour-long meeting, only to ask questions that receive an elaborate tap dance instead of an answer. I wanted to stand up and say, "Congratulations. You just spent six months improving performance evaluation plans that will do nothing to improve performance evaluations."

The worst part is that so many people seemed confused by the time the meeting ended. There were so many questions and no real answers. It was like the people presenting the plans knew nothing about them.

Does anybody know where the new performance evaluation forms are located? I need to evaluate the performance evaluation committee on their delivery of the performance evaluation plans.

1 comment:

Michelle Medley said...

I felt sick as I sat there and listened to the new plan.

Then I felt worse when I asked followup questions later, and was referred to as "an odd case."

How's that for a quick performance review? Apparently I have spent the last six months growing into an oddity.