Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Yawner

There's somebody in Cube City who isn't getting enough oxygen these days. Let's just call her The Yawner.

The Yawner covers the full spectrum of yawns:

  • Loud, "I have never yawned before and have to get it all out now, in the most annoying way possible, and you could throw your whole cubicle into my big mouth right now if you wanted to" yawns
  • Short, "I need to just squeak this one out quickly" yawns
  • Long, "I am trying to beat the Guinness Book of World Records" yawns
  • Bored, "I am out of ideas, so I'm just going to yawn for a while" yawns
I'm sure that there are a lot of silent yawns (the ones that are non-yawns, or half-yawns, or otherwise unsatisfying yawns) that we can't hear from The Yawner, but I have to wonder what makes somebody think that being vocal with yawning is an acceptable thing at work.

All I know is that it's contagious, and I can't stop yawning. Are you yawning?

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