Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Help Me, Help Your Desk

Why does the Cube City helpdesk totally suck rocks?

Sometimes I just hate the helpdesk. I recently had a problem with my wireless network connection, so I asked the helpdesk for...you know...help.

A really snooty helpdesk guy responded to my request from the comfort of his desk. He wrote, "You won't be able to see wireless networks in range because we don't broadcast them. Are you having trouble connecting to the wireless network?"

No, pal, I like disconnecting from one wireless network just so I can connect to another one with a name that I like better. This is what I do for fun. OF COURSE I CAN'T CONNECT, OR I WOULDN'T BE BOTHERING YOU. Oh, and you have no idea what you're talking about because I've always been able to see the networks and select them if my wireless network isn't connecting.

Sometimes I just wish that the helpers would get up from their desks and take an interest in solving problems. It seems like they'd rather shoot a bunch of blanks from their guns before getting serious with their ammunition. Why can't helpdesk people be more helpful?

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