Thursday, April 9, 2009


Chemistry. It's not just for scientists and romantics anymore.

I recently attended a postmortem for a Cube City project that actually went very well. It was good to hear my teammates share what they thought had gone well and what they thought we could do better next time.

But really, I think we just had a lot of chemistry throughout the lifespan of the project. Here are the things that worked in our favor:
  • We all liked each other.
  • We all liked the client.
  • The client liked us. Like, seriously.
  • The client had a big budget.
A big budget is most of the battle. It allows us to do lots of cool stuff to help us like each other.

I have to keep this in mind when I work on teams where things don't go as well. The chemistry is off, for whatever the reason. As a result, things blow up and people break up. Okay, so maybe chemistry is just for scientists and romantics after all.

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