Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring Fever

Spring is hard for a girl.

Spring is a time when there's an inexplicable need for change. You want something different from Cube City, and you want it now. And it's spring, which makes you happy and breathless, so anything is possible. The sky is the limit! You will be working for yourself in no time!

But spring lasts about five minutes in Texas, and then it's summer. The oppressive heat takes over. You melt into submission. The Man wins again. You just do what it takes to get through the day. You get your workouts in at dawn or just before dusk. You drink cold adult beverages. You have nothing left to give to your dreams. The fever has broken.

Every spring is like this for me. I don't know how to make this feeling last through the seasons, but I sure wish I could.


Michelle Medley said...

I know just what you mean, Scissor Girl. The best gift from being RIFFed in the springtime is - it happened in springtime.

I had no idea how much I was missing the small details while in Cube City, like the sounds of birds singing. They've been doing it all along. I just wasn't hearing it.

Unknown said...

So true...I have about a thousand ideas and hopes that sprout up, only to be surely roasted in the heat along with the little purple flowers that are taking a stand near the fence outside.