Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cube Food

One annoying thing about working in Cube City is that really hungry people are lurking there. Over the years, hungry cube dwellers have examined my lunch on display in the kitchen during the preparation process and have given me all sorts of unsolicited commentary:
  • What is that? (hungry people who lack a cultural relationship with food)
  • Why would you eat THAT? (picky hungry people)
  • Are you sure that's edible? (skeptical hungry people)
  • That is TOO HEALTHY! (hungry people who are afraid of baby carrots and greens)
  • That looks delicious! (long uncomfortable pause as they wait for a bite that I'm not going to offer because, well, I can't realistically spare a bite of anything that delicious)

Of course, these are the same hungry people who would eat anything free at work. If you want to get rid of food, just take it to work and *poof!* It will magically disappear.

What is it like in your Cube City kitchen?


Unknown said...

The thing I hate about the kitchens is the SMELLS. I don't know why they think it's ok to reheat things that create a cloud of powerful odor that seeps out of the kitchen and into the work areas. Leftover curry? Not ok. Excessive garlic? Not ok. Seafood? Are you serious? In an office?

I can't tell you how many times I've hoped to reheat a modest bowl of soup or cup of tea and retreated. What would happen to my tea if I put it in the microwave that was an accessory to generating THAT SMELL?

Scissor Girl said...

I know exactly what you mean, though I'm sure I've been the offender a few times. I brought leftover halibut to work once and will never make that mistake again. Even I was offended by the lingering smell!

Trixter said...

Yeah, I'm sure I've been guilty of heating something with too much garlic. What bugs me too is the mysteriously disappearing food. I'll bring in pre-packaged frozen food. Gone. Leftovers from a meal I cooked. Gone. (Really!)

The oddest part here is that I'm a vegetarian, so that chicken in my King Ranch Chicken is really soy. So anyone who nabs my food is getting way more than they bargained for. But hey, if my dogs don't mind the fake meat, why should a thieving co-worker. :)

Scissor Girl said...

Trixter, I would totally steal that type of lunch. I never have, but I would. Consider it a compliment to your culinary skills. :)

I have heard of people stealing other people's lunches. I'm telling you, there are way too many hungry people in Cube City.