Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where's My Lunch Box?

Okay, so it's Lunch Box Day in Cube City. Are there any veteran readers out there who know how this works? Do I get my lunch box right away? Do I get a trumpet serenade or anything? Do I have to correctly guess how many peanuts are in the lunch box before I am awarded one? (Are there peanuts in the lunch box?)

On Mondays in Cube City, we get the Family Tree email -- a list of who's joining or departing the company as well as anniversaries and birthdays. Anniversaries are interesting because everybody attends a new-hire orientation their first week on the job and gets to know anybody else starting that week too. Well, there was only one other person from my orientation class on the weekly email. The Family Tree got pruned! I don't know...due to layoffs and attrition of late, it just seems like a really depressing email instead of something to celebrate.

Maybe that explains the one-year anniversary gift: Senior leaders are out to lunch. I question what they can really bring to the table.


Unknown said...

Well, I started to say congrats on the one-year mark, but maybe it should be congrats for hanging in there in spite of it all!

My lunch box took a while to materialize. I think they did them in a big batch order about a month after my 1-year. It's possible they have their shit together and will be on time, but, um, well, it's possible. :)

And no, no peanuts.

Scissor Girl said...

Thanks, Viveth. I believe one of your direct reports told me that it took her six months to get her lunch box. SIX MONTHS! You can grow two-thirds of a baby in that amount of time. Sheesh.