Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Storm Is Brewing

Being a writer is painful sometimes -- especially in an ad agency where creativity is the norm. I once read an interesting comparison about authors vs. copywriters from an author's perspective. The author said that he would research a topic for weeks before writing about it, whereas a copywriter would write about something s/he just learned yesterday.

It's hard to rush creativity. It's going to be born when it's ready. There's been a storm brewing in my brain all week. But for some reason, the words don't want to release. So here I sit, struggling and waiting for the ideas and words to start pouring. It's like I'm stuck in an extended stall pattern. My desk looks like it's been struck by a tornado, so I hope the clouds lift soon. I could use clear skies right now.


Unknown said...

Interesting comparison. In my short time in the agency world, I have started to see that "creativity" has taken on a flimsy, mass-produced aftertaste. It would be more accurate to say we are asked to be "prolific" rather than "creative."

Anonymous said...

Girl, you need to make like a tornado next to a mobile home, and TEAR IT UP. There's a storm inside you, I just know it.

Michelle Medley said...

Scissor Girl, here's what I suggest. You need to "rain" your ideas onto paper. You need a storm - not a brainstorm exactly but a "letting loose" of words and concepts. Rain them onto the paper; don't edit and don't judge, just rain them down. Then we'll get some scissors and cut up some visual images from magazines, and paste them near the words.

If you'll do this, you'll be amazed at seemingly random connections you suddenly make between the words and the pictures.

And the idea you want will be on the page. I know it will.