I've never given birth to a child, but I've seen the movies. I've read and heard the stories. I just know that writing for a living must certainly be similar to giving birth over and over.
- There's a lot of waiting.
- The mucous plug detaches. Right on.
- More waiting.
- Finally your water breaks.
- But no...there's more waiting.
- Contractions begin -- you feel encouraged because you know you're onto something.
- But no...there's more waiting.
- Contractions continue. Damn them. They're such a tease.
- You hate the person(s) responsible for putting you in this position. You curse the world.
- Finally it's time.
- You push. You push some more. You just keep pushing because it's time to get that idea out of your being.
- Out it comes! You give birth. You're sweaty. You're exhausted. You've created a beautiful thing.
- You'd do it all over again. You were born to do this.

1 comment:
Hagh! Great analogy!! I love it!
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