Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Day the Doors Were Locked

It became clear that Cube City was cursed by my employment after the Pay Day 5k at one job and another minor detail at a different job...

The day the doors were locked.

I went to work one morning to find that my ID badge didn't work. Other cube dwellers trickled into work as I stood alone by the front door, only to join me when they discovered that their ID badges didn't work either. My manager became very irritated while waiting and decided to inquire with the building management office. She learned that Cube City was closed because our company was three lease payments behind. The doors would not open until the company paid all of the rent.

I had always heard stories about how you can open a locked door with a credit card, but wow...I had never before taken those stories so literally.

Anyway, my manager sent me home, where -- you know the drill -- I updated my resume and started searching for jobs.

Cube City reopened the next day, and it was business as usual. But it was yet another sign that just because you turn the key to a different Cube City door doesn't mean that it will look any different on the other side...assuming the key even works, of course.

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