Monday, August 25, 2008

Hot in the (Cube) City

Why is temperature regulation such a challenge in Cube City? During the regular work week, it's Ice Cube City. You could potentially die of frost bite year round. For those unfortunate enough to work the weekend, it's Hot in the (Cube) City.

I had to prepare some materials on Saturday for an upcoming business trip, and there was no air conditioning in Cube City.

In the middle of summer.

When it's 98 degrees in the shade.

It's already hell to be working on a Saturday, and now I've got to deal with temperature regulation issues? SERIOUSLY?!

I just don't get it. I'm sure the company saves money by cutting the air conditioning on the weekend, but why not turn the thermostat up during the regular work week so that we don't freeze to death? Why not turn the air conditioning off in the winter months and try, I don't know, turning the heat on?

The issue of temperature regulation in Cube City has left me cold throughout my career, so I figure it always will. I just can't let it go. It bothers me. And right now, the whole thing just makes me hot.

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