Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ice Cube City

In Cube City, everything is an emergency. Everything is due yesterday. The world will absolutely, positively burst into flames if we don't meet our deadlines.

Flying by the seat of our pants is the norm in Cube City. But that's a blog entry in and of itself.

Today I am thinking about how I used to fly by the seat of my skirt. It's a well-documented fact that Cube City has some thermostat regulation challenges. The office climate is Ice Cube City all year round for reasons I have yet to figure out.

A few Ice Cube City ages ago, I worked with a frequent flyer who decided that she was going to fight the hypothermic conditions at work. One day she came back from a business trip with an airline blanket tied around her waist. It was the most fabulous idea ever: The stolen airline blanket skirt. The frequent flyer simply carried that fuzzy red blanket off the plane with her, tied it around her waist, and took off.

When the frequent flyer showed up at work piloting her new hypothermia-free outfit, she was all the rage with the women in Ice Cube City. Soon thereafter, more stolen airline blanket skirts started to appear on the women in the office. Whenever the frequent flyer went on a business trip, she came back with a blanket or two for the frozen cubies. She was our hero.

We all took a little bit more of the blanket because of her.

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