Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Thoughts EXACTLY

Have you ever worked with someone who says the dumbest things in the world -- and says them over and over and over again?

My favorite response from a co-worker is, "My thoughts EXACTLY."

It goes something like this:

Me: "We need to be mindful about tying the indication statement of this drug into the copy. We won't make it through medical legal review if we imply that the drug can alleviate arthritis when it isn't indicated for such a condition."

Co-worker: "My thoughts EXACTLY."

Me (dream response): "Really? Is that EXACTLY what you were thinking? I doubt it...because you don't think."

Words are a big deal to me. In college, my favorite English professor said my chronic problem was that I didn't wait for the right words in my writing. (He was phenomenal with words. He delivered criticism in a kind but firm and effective manner. He made you feel confident that you had the talent but needed to channel it differently. You wanted to become a better writer because of him, and you did.)

I might not wait for the right written words sometimes, but I'd like to think that I don't repeat dumb statements like, "My thoughts EXACTLY" when my thoughts are not, and can never be, exactly like somebody else's.

What is your favorite under-my-skin response from somebody in Cube City? Furthermore, what's your dream response?


Anonymous said...

"To be honest". That's the phrase that I hate. My boss says it all of the time, usually right after he has told you something confidential. But I think that when you use that phrase, it's like saying "Everything else that I said was a lie. But that last thing I said...yeah, I has being honest there".

shari's photoblog said...

My thoughts EXACTLY!