Tuesday, October 6, 2009


October is always tough in Texas. After a long, hot, and dry summer, there's a massive cricket outbreak. Everywhere you go, you see crickets. You hear crickets.

October is always tough in Cube City too. This is the time of year when we start brand planning for next year. We come up with the big ideas we want to pitch to our existing clients to see what they'll go for and how we can convince them to spend their advertising dollars with us. We have brainstorms. We list our ideas. We prioritize our ideas. We categorize our ideas within strategic frameworks. We put presentations together that represent our ideas. Then, of course, we present our ideas.

Lately, I've been involved in brainstorms where nobody is jumping up to present great ideas. I think we're all exhausted and have run out of ideas. It doesn't help that most of our ideas never see the light of day. I feel badly for the people who are leading these meetings. All they're hearing is crickets.

I wish the remedy was as simple as rubbing our legs together until some chirping comes out. I can't say that I've actually tried this, but I think it would work only for males, if at all. I guess I'll just keep thinking in hopes that I can come up with some ideas to put in the hopper.

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