Tuesday, October 27, 2009


There really is an "I" in TEAM, dear cube dwellers: TEIM. See? There has to be. If you depend on your TEAM in Cube City, especially at the beginning of a project, you are bound to fail.

I've got angst, it's true. I think it's because I'm at the beginning of two new projects right now, and I am marching blindly forward. I'll know what I'm doing once I'm done, but right now is just a total mind-blowing mystery.

On one of my projects, the key people are never around. They have all the knowledge and no time to transfer it. I'm sort of surprised because this is a high-profile project that is dear to our CEO's heart. You'd think they would be slobbering all over the brown-nosing opportunities to make sure things go smoothly.

On the other project, I think most of the people are new to the brand, and the client is simply a moron who can't articulate the business objectives to herself, let alone anyone else. There's not much I, or anyone else, on the team can do about that. So we don't get the information we need until we've burned through a lot of hours and budget. Then we get to start all over again. It's all such a waste of time, effort, and money.

So I am just taking stabs in the dark and making uneducated guesses until I learn from every mistake I make. I think it's like this at the beginning of any new project, but I'm getting a double-whammy reminder of how much I hate this phase of the project lifecycle. Right now, it's all about me.

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