Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who You Gonna Call?

Welcome to October. In Cube City, Halloween has come early. I park on the dungeon level of the parking garage, and lately I've been attacked by dirty cobwebs dangling from the rafters. It's like Cube City is trying to trap me within a tangled web, and I don't like it at all.

I have to wonder who I need to call to bust these tangled webs. Is there a custodian who occasionally vacuums the rafters of the garage? Are we just supposed to pull these webs down ourselves and hope the spiders have long since abandoned them?

I know that, as a digital agency, we provide web services...but cobwebs were not exactly what I think any of us had in mind.

S c a r y.


Michelle Medley said...

This sounds like a job for a long broom handle. Surely there are a few witches around who can supply one?

Scissor Girl said...

You're so funny, Mamma.

BTW, your blog makes me insanely hungry, especially when you add photos. The slab pie, in particular, looks like it is to die for!