Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Survey Said?

In case you're wondering why we participate in employee surveys here in Cube City, wonder no more.

We participate in employee surveys so that we can learn the results eight months later, when we:
  • No longer care about the results.
  • Have developed a completely new set of problems.
  • Cannot take action on eight-month-old results since we've developed a completely new set of problems that have made the old ones totally irrelevant and useless.

How do you rate this blog entry with your own Cube City survey experience? Here's the infamous Likert scale to help you specify your level of agreement with the absolute truth:

  • 1- I strongly agree with the omnipotent Scissor Girl.
  • 2 - I need codka...lots and lots of codka.
  • 3- I'm in complete and utter denial about my professional life.
  • 4- I don't understand what you mean by "results" since I never see them in Cube City.
  • 5 - I can't relate because I don't participate.


Unknown said...

Ha! Painfully true, as usual.

Michelle Medley said...

This is a hard one to pick an answer for. If I choose every answer, what does that do to the results?

Can you imagine someone from the Resourceful Humans department standing up in front of a room of Cube Dwellers, trying to explain a chart of survey results where all answers have been selected? There'd be no curvature of the line. It'd be a straight, flat line, wouldn't it? Isn't that the geometry used to measure the presence of brain activity?

Scissor you have outdone yourself on this post. Keep writing.

I read you every day.