Friday, July 11, 2008

Sometimes I dream...

...of going home for lunch and not coming back to Cube City.



Unknown said...

that would be so satisfying. Just say you're running out to get a sandwich and just never come back. awesome.

Michelle Medley said...

I like the Peter character in "Office Space" who tells his girlfriend about his job, "I'm just not gonna go anymore. . . "

By the way, this message from a Wyoming baker arrived for me today, after I told her a cardinal keeps trying to get into our house, day after day:

I looked up the cardinal in Animal Speaks, its presence always reflects a time to renew our vitality. It reflects lessons in developing and accepting a new sense of our own true self-importance. You know what I think? I think you should get into a more meaningful line of work! like baking! This is just the beginning you know.

Out of the mouths of breadmakers.