Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tiptoe Through the Cubicles

I recently moved away from a neighbor in Cube City who knew no boundaries. He started his work days promptly at 6:30 in the morning. He might have even slept there at night. I don't know. All I know is that when I dragged myself into the office around 7:30 or 8:00 each morning, he would start talking to me. I couldn't even put my computer bag down before he started asking me for the status on a project or about something he needed from me, usually in great detail. If he wasn't asking a question, he was complaining about things way beyond his control that could not, and would not, ever change. He was Yammer Man.

I started tiptoeing to my cube each morning, being as quiet as possible, but it didn't matter. Yammer Man had bionic hearing. He drove me insane. I tried everything to avoid his wrath. I even tried disguising my voice, saying things like, "Scissor Girl isn't here today. She's sick," but nothing worked. I was destined to be bombarded with questions and yammering that should never, ever happen until you've had a chance to accomplish as little as possible in your first hour at work.

I've been enjoying the quiet mornings lately, as I now reside among cubinites who can't handle mornings. If walls could talk, I'm sure they'd tell me they're really happy that Yammer Man is a safe distance away now. But I'm glad that walls can't talk. I've already heard it all in Cube City.

1 comment:

Michelle Medley said...

Have you notified your inner circle where you are now residing? They might want to locate you.

My own story is, I had the misfortune of being promoted over my boss one time. She now reported to me. They gave her no explanation. So naturally, she started every day by plopping in my office and crying her eyes out.

I couldn't take it for long. Who can have any sense of focus when the day begins with a torrent of tears? Thank heavens for a door. I just started shutting it.