Monday, July 28, 2008

Mail-Dominated World

In recent Cube City past, we were going through some layoffs and things were tense. I didn't know what was coming next, and a part of me didn't want to know.

Several days after the layoffs, I went to my safe place to find a letter in the mail from the company's 401k plan. The letter stated that my vested balance was too low for me to continue in the employer's plan. There were some very detailed instructions about how to roll my 401k funds into an IRA or other plan. Apparently I had been laid off without my knowledge.

Of course, I received the letter on a Friday and had to wait and worry until Monday to discuss it with my employer. It turned out that several people had received the letter in error, and I was one of those people. I don't know what that really means or how such a mix-up occurs. Was I on the cut list at some point and they forgot to remove my name before sending out those letters?

I don't know, but I guess it would be easier to lay somebody off by mail. Friends have even told me stories of being laid off by email. It really is a mail-dominated world out there.

1 comment:

Michelle Medley said...

Ask Spicy Chicken Wing about the time (in the past) that she didn't receive a paycheck. Everyone else was paid on time as usual, but she wasn't. No explanation. And it also happened on a Friday.

When she challenged it at work she was told "it was some kind of slipup." Yet she had received checks on time for 5 years. To this day, we wonder whether she was on a cut list but was saved at the last minute - when someone with a thinking brain either said "no!" - or was saved when the guy who was making the ball-headed cuts was himself separated from his role with the company.

They did it while he was eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich.