Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Silence Is Born

It's been very quiet in Cube City lately, and not just because Yammer Man doesn't sit next to me anymore.

'Tis the season for team member birthdays. It's like a bunch of couples got together at the same time of year and said, "Why don't we create some quiet copywriters? Want to? Yeah? Okay, let's go!"

Just about every copywriter on my team was born in July or August, and they're all really nice people. But when you're trying to be friendly in Cube City, it's just not the same as being friendly elsewhere. I was trying to decide how to get the team together to celebrate their birthdays because, in truth, I am glad that they were all born and that we've managed to keep our team together through good times and bad. The thing is, we're a weird bunch when we get together. It's like social awkwardness runs amok. We sit down for lunch or cake or *gasp!* both and celebrate the silence rather than the occasion. When we do talk, we cover topics like the obesity crisis in Wal-Mart shoppers as well as in cats. It's just uncomfortable. We'll be doing this multiple times over the next two months.

Here's the problem: You can't win in Cube City, no matter what you do. It's awkward if you don't acknowledge someone's special day, and it's awkward if you do. I figure it's best to just celebrate the silence, but the celebration will really begin when Quiet Copywriter Birth Season is over.

1 comment:

Trixter said...

Awkward!! This is why I find mix and mingle events so ... uncomfortable. Even family reunions. And at those types of things, at least you usually have some common something. And what could be more fun than getting a bunch of introverts together.

Alas. In the immortal words of Depeche Mode, "Enjoy the Silence."